On Valentine’s Day, we may celebrate our love of volunteering for Ruth’s Harvest when our club will be filling students’ grocery bags on Wednesday, Feb 14, at 4 p.m. at Lincoln Elementary School, Lefever St., Gettysburg. We’d like to assemble a team of 8-12 Rotarians for this community service project which should take less than an hour.
Please respond to Chris Glatfelter at ceglatfelter@gmail.com if you can help. Thank you!
Our club coordinated with the Gettysburg Garden Club that allowed us to purchase table center pieces that were quite beautiful. Special thanks to Lynne Hershey, Garden Club president, for helping us with the arrangement purchase. At the suggestion of board member Chris Kimble, we delivered the center pieces on Tuesday morning to the Hart Center in New Oxford and the Wellspan Hospital in Gettysburg.

Holiday Party a Huge Success!
On Monday, December 4, Our club hosted more than 40 members and spouses for our annual holiday party. The Gettysburg Hotel was decorated for the holiday season which added a beautiful background to our Grand Ballroom dinner. Our Secretary, Syl Hershey, recruited a terrific jazz trio from our local schools who entertained during dinner. Special thanks to the staff of the hotel, led by our member, Andrea Proulx, for doing a wonderful job of serving cocktails, dinner and helping members enjoy the evening.
The Rotary Club of Gettysburg is part of an International network of community volunteers made up of business and professional leaders who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards and help build good will and peach throughout the world.
We hold several fundraising activities each year to provide funding for community programs. The Club started a scholarship fund in 1956 and provides scholarships to high school and non-traditional students each year. And, a benevolent fund was established with during the founding of the Adams County Community Foundation. Funds are processed through the Rotary Club of Gettysburg philanthrophy committee.